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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Henry Gratton Guinness (1835-1910)  evangelist, author and missionary trainer

Henry Gratton Guinness (1835-1910) evangelist, author and missionary trainer

Henry, on his 21st birthday, wrote in his diary to live preaching and to die preaching; to live and die in the pulpit;to preach to perishing sinners till i drop down dead The combination of the entrepreneurial Guinness spirit on his father’s side and the Cramers creative, magnetic qualities on his mother’s side was an irresistible combination. 1856 Henry entered New College in London under a tutor called Dr. Harris. In 1857, whilst still a student he began to preach. He became an independent evangelist of the second Evangelical awakening. He spent 15 years travelling and preaching in Britain, Europe and North America. In 1870 he married Fanny Fitzgerald. To be the wife of an itinerant evangelist’s wife was not an easy one. She travelled with him also became a well known speaker. In 1872 because of their age, they were turned down for chance of being missionaries in China by their friend James Hudson Taylor. Undeterred they moved deliberately to East London, a poor and unsavory area. In 1873 they moved to Harley House in Bow. where they established the East London Institute for Home and Foreign Missions. ( closed in 1918) In 1878 they founded the Livingstone Inland Mission. In 1889 they founded the Congo and Balolo Mission which became the Regions Beyond Missionary Union. Also in 1878 Henry started to write the first of many Christian books. Which resulted in him speaking about biblical prophecy. Fanny, ‘Mother of Harley’, and mother of their 6 children died in 1898. He married Grace Hurditch in 1903. Together they travelled widely for 5 years before settling in Bath. In 1910, following a visit to the Congo, Henry died. He was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He was responsible for training and sending 100s of faith missionaries all over the globe. He was the great evangelist of the Evangelical awakening Four of his surviving children from his first marriage worked as missionaries overseas, For further reading read The Guinness Family in Ambassadors for Christ. Sources wikipedia History of Missiology Ambassadors for Christ ( publ. 1994)
Saint Brice of Tours (370-4440  Feast Day 13th November

Saint Brice of Tours (370-4440 Feast Day 13th November

Saint Brice or Brictius (Latin) of Tours was a favourite of Saint Martin of Tours. According to legend Saint Brice was an orphan who was rescued by Saint Martin and raised in the monastery in Marmoutier. He became a monk and later archdeacon to Saint Martin. Apparently he was disliked by the other monks because of his rudeness and worldly ways. Saint Martin when asked to send the trouble maker away replied ’ If Jesus could come to terms with Judas, then I can certainly come to terms with Brice.’ When Saint Martin died in 397 he became bishop; he became a new man and ruled the monastery well. In the thirteen year of his episcopate a nun, a washer woman, had a child. The rumour was that Saint Brice was the father. He submitted to ritual of carrying hot coals in his cloak, showing the unburned cloak as proof of his innocence. They still did not believe him. It was only after he had travelled to Rome and been absolved by the Pope did he return. Having spent 7 years in voluntary exile Saint Brice return to find that those who had replaced him had died. He then served with such humility that on his death, 7 years later, he was venerated as a saint. He was buried beside Saint Martin. In some pictures he is shown either with glowing coals in his robe or holding a baby in his arms as a result of the rumour. Sources used wikipedia The Church’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Saint  Martin of Tours (316-397)   Feast Day 11th or 12th November

Saint Martin of Tours (316-397) Feast Day 11th or 12th November

Saint Martin was born in Hungary to heathen parents. He became a Christian catechumen - person ready for baptism - when he was 10. Aged 15 he joined the Roman army and was stationed at Amiens in Gaul (France) According to his biographer -Sulpicius Severeus he petitioned the emperor, Julian the Apostate, to be released form the army.’ I am Christ’s soldier: I am not allowed to fight.’ Charged with cowardic he offered to stand in front of the battle line only with the sign of the cross. He was imprisoned but was soon discharged. Legend has it that on a freezing night he cut his cloak in half to share it with a beggar. He dreamt that Jesus wore the other half. When he woke up his cloak was restored. Following the vision and apparent miracle he finished his religious studies and was baptised aged 18. ( After he died his cloak was carried into battle and Mass said in the tent where it was placed. Later replaced by a ‘forked’ blue banner) Aged 20 Saint Martin left the army and joined Saint Hilary of Poitiers, together they founded the first monastery in France. He became a missionary in the provinces of Pannonia and Illyricum -now Balkan Peninsula. He went to Italy and to the island of Gallinaria. In 360 he returned to Poitiers. He then founded a community of hermits at Liguge - the monastery in Gaul. Saint Martin became bishop of Tours in 371. He founded the Marmoutier monastery from which apostles spread Christianity throughout Gaul. He was an active missionary in Touraine and the country districts. Saint Martin in 384/5 became involved in a conflict at the imperial court in Trier, France. It resulted eventually in bishop Priscillian of Spain being executed by the Roman authorities… His involvement caused him to fall into disfavour with Spanish bishops. He died in 397 at Candes. During his lifetime Saint Martin gained a reputation as a miracle worker and became one of the first non-martyrs to be publicly venerated as a saint. He was the patron saint of France, father of monasticism in Gaul and the first great leader of Western monasticism. In England there are over 150 churches dedicated to him. Sources used Britannica Online Encyclopedia * The Church’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Peter  Deyneka (1898-1987) and Peter Deyneka (1931-2000)

Peter Deyneka (1898-1987) and Peter Deyneka (1931-2000)

The two Peters were father (Sr) and son (Jr). Peter Sr. was born in in Belarus. With his parents he immigrated to Chicago USA in 1913/4 where he worked in a machine shop. He was brought up in the Russian Orthodox Church. He was born again in 1920 at a Moody Memorial Church. He graduated as valedictorian from the Moody Bible Institute in 1925. God ignited a fire in him to witness to anyone who would listen, especially Russians. He found many Russians across USA and Canada. His animated style and intensity earned him the nickname ’ Peter Dynamite ’ Peter Sr returns home to Russia to evangelize his own people and works in Latvia and Estonia as field secretary for the All Russian Evangelical Union. Peter Sr married Vera Demidovich in 1926. and Peter Jr was born in 1931. January 1934, with 3 other men a committee is created to support his work. The Russian Gospel Association is founded in 1936 ( since 1949 called Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)). SGA over the years has help provide missionary radio for the Russian people. Russian pastors said that missionary radio was instrumental in the conversion of many Russian families. The story of the 2 Peters begin to overlap. Peter Jr . accepts Christ at home during grade school years. He graduates from Wheaton College in 1953and a M.Div at Northern Baptist Seminary in 1957. The SGA send him to numerous countries between 1955 and 1965. He becomes Assistant director (1966-3) and then president of SGA from 1975-1991. Between 1976-1989 the Soviet Government rejects 10 visa requests from Peter Jr and his wife Anita. For 13 years they were denounced frequently in publications. While they waited Peter Jr and his colleagues translated about 100 book titles. They were printed in the West and imported in limited quantities . He engaged in radio ministry. Russians received his pastoral training materials with enthusiasm. Finally when glsnost (openness) and peresroika (restructuring) developed they received a visa February 1989. They moved to Moscow in January 1991. By this time Peter Sr had died. He died in 1987 having dedicated his life to the ministry of evangelism despite the dangers and persecution under the Soviet regime. His biography is called ’ Twice Born Russian ’ In 1991 Peter Jr became president of the Peter Deyneka Russian Ministries 1991-2000). Peter Jr. died on 23rd December 2000. He had been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer earlier in the summer. The sources I have used includes Peter Jr. Deyneka’s writing in *Ambassadors for Christ * (published in 1994) The Christian faith, hidden, but vibrant for many years was allowed to flourish All of my past was preparation for these past seventeen months Peter Deyneka Jr. Sources used Ambassadors for Christ East-West Church Ministry report
Saint Etheldreda   (c.636-679)      Feast Day 17th October.

Saint Etheldreda (c.636-679) Feast Day 17th October.

Saint Etheldreda. or Audrey. was a princess. Her father was Anna, King of East Anglia. Saint Etheldreda wanted her to become a nun but her father insisted she married Prince Tondbert in 652. The prince was persuaded to allow Saint Etheldeda to respect her vow of perpetual virginity. He died 3 years after they were married. Saint Etheldreda was then asked to marry Ecgfrith of Northumbria, who was a young teenager,for political reasons, in 660. When Ecgfrith became king in 670 she told her wish to become a nun. One account relates that he initially agreed to letting her remain a virgin but then appealed to Wilfrid, bishop of York, to enforce his marital rights. The final outcome was that Saint Etheldreda, with 2 nuns, fled to the Isle of Ely. She arrived at a headland - Colbert’ Head, jutting into the sea. A high tide, which lasted for 7 days persuaded the king to give up the idea of compelling her to come back. He returned home realizing there was a power greater than his at work. In 673 Saint Ethedreda built a large double monastery. Wilfred never lost sight of her - he made her abbess and gave the veil to her first nuns. She ruled the monastery for 7 years setting a great example of piety and abstinence and other monastic virtues. She lived a life of austerity - wearing only coarse garments - denied herself a hot bath. She had a bath at the four great festivals - using the same bath already served by the other nuns. She died of quinsy - a throat infection on 23rd of June 679. She is the patron saint for throat sufferers… wikipedia The Church’s Year Charles Alexander EBK: St. Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely
Steve Green

Steve Green

Steve Green is an American Christian singer noted for his tenor vocal range and flexible solo style. He is also noted fo rhis evangelistic mission to bring others to Jesus through his songs. I have put the wikipedia information first because this is what the general public would want to known. His continued success as a singer and a list of the songs he has recorded. I have put the information about his upbring second. This information can be found in Ambassadors for Christ. Here Don Wyrtzen tells us about Steve being brought up in a Christian household and him accepting Christ into his life when he was only 8 years of age. He goes on later to tell us that many years later, after he was married, he had to recommit himself to Christ after he had a heated disagreement with his brother. The disagreement resulting in him throwing himself upon the mercy, love and grace of Jesus. It resulted in him facing up to his hypocritical life and there is now a revival in his heart that burns brightly and consistently to this day. Sources used Ambassadors for Christ wikipedia
Saint / King   Edward the Confessor (c.1003-1066)

Saint / King Edward the Confessor (c.1003-1066)

Edward the Confessor was a king who later became recognized as a saint He lived in the eleventh century . He died shortly before the Battle of Hasting between King Harold, his successor and William 1, William the conqueror. There are differences of opinion as to whether he was a weak or a strong king. Confessor reflects his reputation as a saint who did not suffer martyrdom. Wikipedia uses the work ’ nickname ’ to reflect the traditional image of him as unworldly and pious. He did reign for 24 years It is said because he was unable to fulfill a vow to go to Rome that he built a monastery. The monastery we call Westminster Abbey. He re-established the Abbey of Westminster on a site of a church built 400 years earlier. It was the first Norman Romanesque church in England. Building began in 1042 and consecrated on 28th December 1065. Edward unfortunately was too ill to attend the ceremony and died the following week - 5th January 1066. Edward was buried at Westminster Abbey. His body was exhumed a number of times and was finally given a centerpiece, in a magnificent tomb, in the new thirteenth century ( present day )Abbey. Edward can be seen on the famous Bayeux Tapestry. Edward the Confessor was for many years the patron saint of England until Saint George, during the time of the Crusades, replaced him. HIs feast day is 13th October. Westminster Abbey was finally completed in 1090 some 25 years after his death. In 1245, during the reign of Henry111, it was demolished and replaced by today’s present building.
Nelson C. 'Bud' Hinkson  (1934-1992)

Nelson C. 'Bud' Hinkson (1934-1992)

Bud in his lifetime challenged 100s of 1000s students to give their lives to serving Christ in the ’ foreign field '. Bud survived an accident with an axe before he was two. His mother prayed for his healing and dedicated her son to Jesus. In the dream that followed she saw children from all countries coming to her son’s side. Jon Hinkson, his son, in ’ Ambassadors for Christ ’ , tells us a great deal about his father’s ministry, especially behind the Iron Curtain. from his birth to his final cycle ride to heaven. I have based this article on the headings he used. (See full text) Memory Harvest. He was gifted with an incredible memory. His godly grandmother laid down the foundations of his Scripture memory. Years later Shirley Milligan, his future wife, wrote a list entitled * The man if I marry*. Bud memorized it and would remind her when he fulfilled a trait. Together they shared most of Bob’s adventures. The University Ambassador Team Bud remembered in Luke 10 where Jesus sent out 70 in pairs - the result was the University Ambassador Team. This team came to the UK. The watchword was Win, Build , Send and they were blessed with a lasting harvest. There were many foreign students. Bud spent a whole year in Africa. But they were drawn to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. *** Behind the Iron Curtain*** Bud with his wife and two children headed for Vienna with their passports inaccessible in the van. On the Romanian border a guard saw Shirley’s Bible. He got away with it by gaining the guards sympathy by saying his wife was a religious fanatic. Bud’s ministry involved the whole family. He began the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry in Poland in 1975. 20 years before the Berlin Wall fell Bud was all over the Soviet Block quietly organizing one of the greatest missionary endeavors of the twentieth century. Opportunities and adversaries In 1990 while teaching the scriptures in a secluded Czechoslovakian hayloft he was invited to deliver 5 lectures on Christianity at the Soviet Academy of Science. In 1992 , on his last trip to Russia, he taught 400 students from across the former Soviet Union Filled with joy and peace he literally radiated God’s love to those around Him He died as a result of head injuries sustained in a cycling accident in Germany. Bud was 58. The New Life Christian School in Moscow in 1992 was renamed Hinkson Christian Academy in memory of Bud. Sources * Ambassadors for Christ * contribution from his son Jon Mission Poland History of Hinkson
Saint Dionysius  ( 1st century)   Feast Day    3rd or 9th October

Saint Dionysius ( 1st century) Feast Day 3rd or 9th October

Saint Dionysius, the Areopagite, is only mentioned once in the New Testament. Acts 17 v33/4 reads That ended Paul’s discussion with them, but some joined him and became believers. Among them were Dionysius, a member of the council, a woman called Darnaris and others with them. Dionysius was called Areopagite because he was a member of the Areopagus or Upper Council of Athens. He was one of the first Athenians to believe in Christ. Tradition holds that when he was a boy and visiting Egypt he experienced. on the day Jesus was crucified, From noon until three the afternoon darkness came over all the land . The same darkness that happened in Jerusalem. After meeting Saint Paul he was converted.and he became the first bishop of Athens. He suffered a martyr’s death by burning. Christian historian Eusebuis of Caesarea, preserved the Dionysius’ story in his Ecclesiastical history. Two saints have been given the name of Dionysius. I have concentrated on the Saint Paul converted. wikipedia The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
George Frisk (1905-1977) and   Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

George Frisk (1905-1977) and Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

George Frisk shortly after his arrival in Borneo commented 'I’ll fly the gospel here ’ watching two hornbills gliding along effortless after they had taken hours to travel, by canoe, only a few hundred yards from their campsite. Born into a godly family in Binghamton , New York 1905 . Aged 8 he attended a circus where he showed a lot of interest in 'Wild Man of Borneo '. He asked his mother if missionaries went there. She replied ’ No '. It planted a seed that he would be the one to take the gospel to them. 16 years later, 1929, he was in Borneo. He had pursued missions and medical studies in college. His first attempts to be accepted for Borneo failed but Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA) accepted his application. His comment amount fly the gospel was said in 1932 after carrying boats around an unnavigable section of a Borneo river. George corresponded with Dr. R. A. Jaffrey, the person who had first encouraged him. Jaffrey was now his field director and he was supportive. George in 1935, on his furlough, obtained his pilot’s license and ‘soloed’. In 1938 the board granted George’s proposal to buy an aircraft. The Beechcraft SE 17B was selected. Floats were installed . The plane was then disassembled, crated and shipped to Borneo. where it was reassembled. Paul Robinson, a pilot, listened to George’s presentation before WW11. After the war he was deemed too old to fly but persuaded the Moody Bible Institute to begin a programme to train students to fly and care for airplanes. James Truxton , another pilot,in 1943 heard George speak. He with George and two others formed Christian Airman’s Missionary Fellowship (CAMF) - now MAF. Six mission aviation programmes were created within a short space of time (Read Missionary Aviation Fellowship paragraphs). George’s vision of 1932 was more than fulfilled. In 2013* Arrivals and Departures* under the title * The Plane Truth* tells the story of George Fisk. In 2017, Geogette , his grand daughter, says thanks for keeping his story alive. George’s vision of using aeroplanes to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ is very much alive. Sources used wikipedia Ambassadors for Christ* contribution from John and Steve Wells Mission Aviation fellowship
Saint Leonard     ( c.485-559)   Feast Day   6th November

Saint Leonard ( c.485-559) Feast Day 6th November

Saint Leonard of Noblac was a Frenchman born about 485. He is a Frankish saint closely associated with the town and abbey of Saint Leonard-de-Noblat, in Haute-Vienne, in Limousin region of France. It is very difficult to separate fact from legend. Traditional biography He was a Frankish noble in the court of King Clovis 1, founder of the Merovingian dynasty. He was converted along with the king at Christmas 496, by Saint Remigius, Bishop of Reims. He was granted the right to liberate prisoners he thought worthy of it. He did secure the release of prisoners -he is the patron saint for prisoners. He would have prayed for them, converted some of them and tried to raise money for their ransoms. Tradition suggests he became a monk , then became a hermit living in the forest of Limousin. As a hermit he then gained some friends, who recognizing his holiness, wanted to live with him - the result a monastery. One source suggests he became the abbot. Legend ? -King Clovis 1 was his grandfather or godfather. (Sources differ) Legend ?- he prayed for the queen , who was ill, before she gave birth to a son . Legend ?- that during a losing battle the queen asked him to pray. He prayed and King Clovis 1 was victorious. Legend? - as a way of saying thank you the king gave him royal lands at Noblac. Legend? -prisoners who invoked (called ) his named saw their chains break off. He died of natural causes around 559. There are churches all across Europe dedicated to his name. In England 177, In Italy almost 225 churches. Former prisoners used to hang their chains in churches dedicated to him. There has to be truth in the legends.
Peter Beyerhaus  (1929-2020)

Peter Beyerhaus (1929-2020)

Peter Paul Jonannes Beyerhaus was a German pastor, theologian, missionary scholar and academic teacher. Peter was ordained as a pastor by the bishop of Berlin in1955. He served with the Berlin Mission society in Transvaal and Natal in South Africa from 1957-65. He did not want to leave but his daughter Karolina became ill and realised it was time to move on. From 1966-77 he was the professor of missionary theology and ecumenical theology at the university of Tubingen. He lectured around the world. In 1872 he was elected president of the Theological Convention of Confessing Fellowships in Germany. In 1988 he fell out with his faculty. The liberals in his faculty wanted to honour the Dalai Lama with the Lucas Prize for Peace. (Read Standing for truth) In 1989 he became honorary rector of Kornal Graduate School for Mission. Peter was a man who would speak uncompromisingly and yet be concerned for the individuals involved. A man with a mission to keep the church on course and growing healthily. On the 5th October 2018 the Society of Peter Beyerhaus was founded in his name in South Korea. He died on 18th January this year -2020 aged 90 Sources used * Ambassadors for Christ contribution from Elaine Rhoton wikipedia Kukimn Daily
Josef Tson

Josef Tson

Josef, aged 14 , in 1948, stopped going to church . In 1950 he met some Christian intellectuals. June, 1951 he was baptised. For 4 years , while at Cjuj University, several students met secretly each week. At the Baptist seminary in Bucharest he lost his bearings . He left the seminary and taught for 10 years. He left Romania. He went first to Austria and then Oxford University in England. He discovered Theologically, Oxford is whatever you look for. In 1972 he left Oxford with an M.A. and began teaching in Bucharest Baptist Seminary. He went back to Romania in 1972 knowing he could face martyrdom. He formulated a doctrine called ‘sufferology’. ( See notes) From 1974-81 Josef pastored Baptist churches in Pioesti and Second Baptist Oradea - the largest Baptist church in Europe with 1,400 members. He was threatened. In 1977 arrested several times and told he would be shot. (Read ’ to die is gain ’ and the Baptist Press article). 1981 he left Romania for the USA. While in exile from Ceauscu he became president of the Romanian Missionary Society. He wanted to translate 70 Christian books - he translated 60. ( unable to find list of books). While in the USA America Radio Free Europe (RFE) approached him. He began with a 10 minute ministry slot which soon became 50 minutes. 1990 returns to Romania to find many officials, as well as the local people, had been listening in to his radio slot for the last 9 years. They recognized his voice before he mentioned his name! 1991 he becomes chancellor at Oradea Bible Institute . They start a school of Theology. Asked if they could add a Christian teacher-training college. June, 1993 establishes Christian radio station at Suceava in Romania. He founded the Emmanuel Bible institute, built a Christian publishing company and established the Christian Radio Voice of the Gospel. My passion is to take young people and put wings on them and help them to fly. Josef Tson. In 2010 Tson was excluded from the Baptist Union and revoked his ordination for his deviation from the Baptist Confession of Faith. Sources Ambassadors for Christ contribution from David Fisher Baptist Press A young Theologian;s letter to Joseph Ton
Mary McLeod Bethune  (1875-1955 The teacher who tamed the Klan

Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955 The teacher who tamed the Klan

Mary was an American educator , stateswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, womanist and civil rights activist. Whilst she was studying at the Moody Bible Institute she felt clear call to mission service in Africa. She was rejected - no openings for a black missionary in Africa - her major disappointment. She taught for a while in Georgia and then returned to South Carolina. She met and married Albertus Bethune. In 1899 they opened a mission school. In 1904 Mary met a traveling Methodist minister who told her about the terrible conditions in Daytona working on the railways. She was up to the challenge and the same year, on October 4th, she opened a new school. She then, for a few dollars down, bought an abandoned garbage dump and turned it into a school. It became the permanent site for the Daytona Beach Literacy and Industrial School for Negro girls. Within 2 years she had 250 female students. Mary developed extraordinary fund raising skills. John D. Rockefeller, the oil magnate was a major benefactor. As the school grew Mary’s greatest challenge was the Ku Klux Klan In 1920 Mary led a spirited vote registration drive that promoted Klan harassment. The stage was set for showdown between Mary and the Klan on the night before the mayoral election. Mary and her female pupils were ready. (Read ’ Quit running ') The election the next day the black voters waited patiently until all the white voters had cast their votes -the Klan endorsed candidate lost. By 1929 the school had been renamed Bethune-Cookman College. After this she turned her attention to black womens civil groups. (read ’ Civic Groups’ ) Resources used wikipedia Britannica online Encyclopedia Ambassadors for Christ contribution from Harold ivan Smith.
Saint Francis of Assisi  (1181-1226)  Feast Day  4 th  October

Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) Feast Day 4 th October

Saint Francis was an Italian Catholic Friar, deacon and preacher. He founded the men’s order of Friar Minor, the women’s Order of saint Clare, the Third Order of Saint Francis and the Custody of the Holy Land. He is one of the most venerated religious figures in Christianity. He was born in 1181 in Assisi Italy. He enjoyed life until 1202 when he had a serious illness which changed his behaviour. He turned to God and spent his time and money on helping the poor and sick people especially those with leprosy. In 1209 he started to live like a hermit- he lived in a hovel near the church he was rebuilding. In 1210, with eleven friends, he went to see Pope Innocent 111. They were officially recognised - it was the beginning of the Franciscan Order - now world wide. 1217 saw him involved with the Crusades He preached in the Saracens camp and spoke with Sultan. He attempted to make a truce with the Christians and Muslims. He decided in 1220 to give up the leadership of the Order. His health began to fail but his joyful spirit never failed. He had frequent visions and received the Stigmata - marks on his hands, feet and side in his own flesh. Before he died in 1226 he composed the Canticle of the Sun. Saint Francis was known for his love of nature and animals. He was canonized in 1228, just two years after his death. There is a great deal of information to found about him. Wikipedia gives him 22 pages. I have put together a mixture of different types of data. Ducksters gives children an outline of his life. !2 interesting questions are asked and answered. I have included a translation of the* Canticle of the Sun.* Sources used wikipedia * The Church’s Year* Charles Alexander Encyclopedia.com Canticle of the Sun Biographies for Kids Catholic Encyclopedia
Saint Remigius      (c437-533)   Feast day  1st October

Saint Remigius (c437-533) Feast day 1st October

Saint Remigius was the bishop Reims for 70 years. There are three main stories about Saint Remigius. The first is that when the people of Reims were looking for the next bishop that the a ray of light from a window fell on him. He was aged 21/2 at the time. The second is that Saint Reminguis, with Queen Clotible tried to persuade King Clovis to become a Christian. He said he would change his faith if he won his next battle. He won the battle and on Christmas Day 496, he and 3,000 franks were baptized. King Clovis then helped Saint Remigius to convert many heathen and Arians or heretic Christians. The third story is about vials. The baptism of Moribund pagan was delayed because there was no oil of the Catechumens or sacred Chrism available. Saint Remigius took empty vials and prayed -miraculous they were filled. Years later when the sepulcher was opened in the reign of Charles the Bald two vials were found! Sources wikipedia The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Mel  Trotter  (1870-1940)

Mel Trotter (1870-1940)

Melvin Ernest Trotter was a former alcoholic who founded and directed the Grand Rapids Michigan City Rescue Mission. Today it is flourishing and called Mel Trotter Ministries. In 1897, a bedraggled,drunk, suicided minded Mel, was invited into a Pacific Garden Mission by Harry Monroe. Harry, the mission superintendent said ’ Jesus loves you and so do I.’ He then gave a personnel testimony about his own troubled life. At the close of the message Harry gave an altar call. Mel, aged 27, walked forward and gave his life to Christ. It was the beginning of a new life and career. He was on his way to becoming an evangelist. For the next 40+ years he worked as a rescue worker, mission superintendent and evangelist. He devoted his energy to redeeming lives of men and women who fought the same demons he once knew. He became known as ’ the man who raved about Jesus.’ Mal helped supervise 68 rescue missions. Many of these were founded by former alcoholics. He remained a simple person . He believed God’s love had the power to change even the most ruined life. In my research I found his own testimony -it’s a very power read. The Mel Trotter Ministries (MTM) he founded is flourishing. Their statement of intent reads MTM exists to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ through rescue and restoration for anyone experiencing hunger of homelessness. I also decided to have a look at The Pacific Garden Mission where it all started for Mel. It is still flourishing. I also found a 12 page history of the mission written in 1942 about the* The Great Triumvirate* - Harry Monroe, Mel and Billy Sunday. The first 7 pages look at the whole of Mel’ s life association with the Rescue Mission. Sources used Ambassadors for Christ contribution from Margaret Bendroth Wikipedia Pacific Garden Mission A testimony of Mel Trotter
Joyce Meyer  Christian  Author and Speaker

Joyce Meyer Christian Author and Speaker

Joyce Meyer is an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker. She was ‘born again’ when she was only nine years of age. In 1976, whilst driving to work reported that she heard call her name. Later that day, after a beauty appointment ’ full of liquid love ’ , she was ’ drunk with the Spirit of God ’ that evening whilst at a at a loyal bowling alley. She is president of Joyce Meyer Ministries. She can be seen regularly seen and heard on television and u-tube. Joyce is an outstanding Christian preacher and has written over 25 books. If you want more information go to her web sites.
Saint Jerome  (c 347 -420)     Feast Date    30th September

Saint Jerome (c 347 -420) Feast Date 30th September

Saint Jerome was born about 342 in Dalmatia, now Yugoslavia. His parents were Christians and sent Jerome, aged 12, to finish his education in Rome He is famous for translating the BIble into Latin. The Old Testament is in Hebrew; the New testament in Greek . When he grew up he decided to travel. With friends he travelled through Greece to Asia Minor. At Antioch two of his friends died and Jerome became very ill. He had a vision that led him to leave behind his secular studies and devote himself to God. On his recovery he decided he decided hie future was to study theology or read about things written about God. On the outskirts In Antioch there were many hermits, living by themselves and spending time in prayer and study i. He joined them and set about mastering the Hebrew language under the guidance of a converted Jew. In 378/9 he returned to Antioch. Jerome agreed to be ordained by Bishop Paulinus on condition he could continue hermit life style. He then went to Constantinople to study under Gregory Nazianzen. Pope Damasus 1 asked him to go to Rome. He set him the daunting task of revising and adding to the translation of the Bible into Latin, the common language of those times… The translations were a massive task which took years to complete. The Latin Bible or Vulgate has a great deal of Jerome’s translations. Pope Damasus 1 died in 384. Jerome left Rome for good in August 385. In the summer of 388 he went to Palestine where he spent the rest of his working life in a cave near Bethlehem surrounded by a few friends. He acted as their priestly guide and teacher whilst he led a life of incessantly active on literacy production. Those 32 years years of his career belong to the most important of his works -including his version of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew text, his scriptural comments and his catalogue of Christian authors. Saint Jerome’s life was given to learning languages ( Latin, Hebrew and Greek) and writing so that people could read the Bible in their own language knowing translations had been very carefully made using original sources… Included information about the Vulgate and the Septuagint. Sources used Wikipedia Britannica online Encyclopedia THe Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Karl Gutzlaff (1803-1851)

Karl Gutzlaff (1803-1851)

Karl Friedrich Augustus Gutzlaff ( anglicized Charles Gutzlaff) was a German Lutheran Missionary to the Far East. He was one of the first Protestant missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand and Korea. He was the first Lutheran missionary in China. In 1820 a seventeen old Karl wrote an emotional poem of homage to King Frederick William 111 . Karl and a friend threw a welcoming poem into the emperor’s carriage.The king was so impressed he decreed Karl should receive a scholarship to continues his education. Karl stopped being an apprentice to a girdlemaker/saddler in Stettin and accepted the scholarship. The career of one of the most important Protestant missionaries was launched. His conversion happened in 1821. One night he had a profound sense of sin which threw into mental anguish. He cried out for God’s forgiveness. It came to him dramatically transforming his life. From this time he was determined to serve God as a foreign missionary. The Netherlands Missionary Society accepted him as a candidate in 1823… He studied in Rotterdam . These studies included elementary medical studies. Continued study and years of of successful practice earned him the title of Dr. Gutzlaff. He also found he had an extraordinary ability to learn languages He was one of the first protestant missionaries to wear Chinese clothing - see picture. He was a brilliant linguist and translator. In th 1830’s he acted as interpreter on the ships with an assurance it would allow him to gather more converts. In 1833 he founded the* Chinese Magazine*.He worked, in co-operation with three others, from 1840 on a Chinese translation of the Bible. The translation was completed in 1847. H e founded a school for ’ native missionaries '- Chinese Union- nearly 50 Chinese were trained during the first 4 years. He left a mixed legacy. He had trusted his native Bible distributors to hand out his material. They wrote/told great stories of conversions and New Testaments sold, In the late 1840’s he reported enthusiastically 2,781 converts and thousands of testaments distributed making traditional missionaries look bad to find out it was a lie .He learned whilst some of his native missionaries were genuine converts others were opium addicts !!! They were selling the books back to the printers who in turn sold them back to Karl!. Some even used it as a cover for opium sales. He eventually learned this at a cost to his reputation and health. He died on 9th of August 1851 in Hong Kong where he was also buried. His legacy is the Chinese Evangelization Society which lived on. It sent Hudson Taylor, who founded the China Inland Mission, to say Gutzlaff the grandfather of the China Inland Mission. Sources used Ambassadors for Christ Wikipedia 1801-1900 Church History Timeline BDCC The legacy of karl F.A, Gutziaff Jessie g. Lutz (page 1 of 3)